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There are many types

of treatment clinics

There are many types of treatment clinics

There are many types of treatment clinics, such as:

Chiropractor, Beauty Salon, Psychologist, Dentist, Dental Care, Podiatry, Physiotherapy, Health Clinic, Exercise Clinic, Outpatient Clinic, Eye Clinics, Skin Clinic, Opticians, X-ray clinic, General practitioner, Specialist clinic, Oral surgery clinic, Ear-nose-throat doctor, Orthopedics, Neurologist, Ultrasound clinics, Dietitians, Podiatrists, Masseur, Psychotherapist, Reflexologist, Veterinary Clinic

And this is certainly not even all kinds, but common to all is that many of these clinics have patients which are waiting. Either they are waiting in a waiting room, or they can wait for a machine to become available in a training clinic or they must wait somewhere at a distance. The latter is especially relevant in these Covid-19 times, where one would like to avoid many people gathered in too small areas. Especially if you have small or narrow waiting rooms.

Pager systems help waiting situations in clinics and allow you to spread your patients over a larger area. Eg. you can let patients wait outside, which means that when it is the patient’s turn, there will be no wasted time for the staff by having to find the patient. A simple pager system as buzzer makes this very easy and efficient.

But one thing is to get safety and efficiency in the waiting room, another benefit for paging systems can be in the treatment rooms where therapists can call for assistance without having to leave the patient.

This is done with an efficient call button system where a press of a button in the treatment room sends a signal to a pager or pager watch that the assistant has on his/her arm or belt. These can then see which treatment room is called from and can go to assistance. This provides efficiency at work, and security for patients as the therapist does not leave the patient.

A call button system can also be used in treatment rooms where e.g. a patient must wait for himself. It may be after a treatment and you must leave the patient until the next treatment, or they have to rest a little after a treatment. There you can place  a call button so that the patient can let you know if they have a problem or want to talk to the doctor or therapist.

In short, calling systems, be it staff calls or patient calls, a pager system is something that provides efficiency and security.

Discover Systems has over 20 years of experience with pager systems, so don’t hesitate to call us for the best guidance.

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