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Whether you as a company work with Lean, Kaizen or Six Sigma, these are all tools that aim to achieve an optimal result with less waste of resources and with more efficiency.

Lean, is something which particular interests us as it is especially about being able to reduce a lead time without waste, and with as few non-value activities as possible.

In our world, waiting in many situations is not creating any value. It could be a truck waiting to be allowed to drive to a ramp or it could be a machine operator waiting to get new raw materials so he can start production again. It can be a picker in a warehouse waiting for more items to arrive so that they can complete the order, etc. Waiting time is often a waste of time, and that is where we help companies with simple tools to avoid this.

A pager system is not only a simple and economically perfect tool for waiting situations but is also a tool that streamlines productions and stocks. A pager system creates peace, order and efficiency for a very small investment.

Every company has its own methods and workflows, and we can therefore tailor a pager system to the individual situation. It is often said that Lean is like a water hose, where you want to avoid holes in it so that the water does not run out along the way, and a pager system can be the tool that ensures that there are no holes in the logistics or production.

Many people know the term; Work smarter, not harder, and that’s exactly what a pager system can do for a business in many respects. A pager system provides an easy result in the workflow, which makes you work much smarter, and even without having to spend a lot of resources on implementing it. A pager system and the use of this is quickly and easily understood by those who need to use it.

In short, a pager system provides efficiency and productivity improvements, and is therefore most often a cost reduction. Simple and effective.

We have many good examples of companies that have used pager systems in their production flow or logistics flow using a pager system. Some of these examples are;

  • Various production and distribution sites that use our pagers to call waiting trucks to ramp when it is available.
  • Manufacturer of car parts that use our pagers to find pallets in a warehouse where they are stored at random. Previously, forklifts had to go through 50 pallets in order to find the right one, now they only need to look at 5 pallets.
  • Production sites where forklifts with a pager call can be called to machine to remove a pallet that has been finished.
  • A lift rental company who uses pagers so that mechanics can call in spare parts or foreman when needed, and therefore does not have to move away from his workplace.
  • Production site where operators at the individual machines can call for more materials or help if necessary, just by pressing a button which then calls a pager.
  • Webshop where employees at the pick an pack shelves can notify the warehouse staff’s that they are running out of goods.

A pager system creates flow, management, and optimal value for the company, and therefore ultimately for its customers. Savings are always good to get, but when a pager system also means increased value or service for the end customer, it is difficult not to investigate whether a pager system in one’s company is not the right tool.

Contact us. We are happy to advise and find the right pager system that suits your needs.

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